Carol Denicker, NGH Certified Master Instructor, Virtual Hypnosis Trainer

Multi-award-winning, National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Board Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Master Instructor, and NGH Faculty Member, Carol Denicker has been practicing hypnosis since 1993 and teaching since 2000, NFNLP Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Certified Instructor, 2005. She was president of the Long Island Chapter of the National Guild of Hypnotists (LI-NGH) from 2002 to 2022 and is a member of the National Federation of Hypnotists (NFH). In August of 2007, she was awarded the NGH honor of “Member of the Year”; in August of 2008, she was inducted into the National Guild of Hypnotists “Order of Braid Council, 2015 she received the prestigious Rexford L. North Award, and in 2021 she received the Ormond McGill Award for excellence as a faculty member.

In addition to teaching, Carol maintains a successful hypnosis and coaching practice (North Shore Hypnosis) where she assists her clients in achieving their goals, improving wellness, increasing motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence, creativity, and past life exploration. Clients are also assisted with improved memory and learning ability; as well as sessions providing a method of relief from stress, fear, and physical discomfort; or to regain self-control over negative habits like overeating, smoking, nail-biting, procrastination, etc.


  • Ormond McGill Award, 2021
  • Executive Leadership Coach, Rowan College, 2020
  • NGH Rexford L. North Award, 2015
  • Director, New York Hypnosis Training Center, 2009
  • NGH Order of Braid Council, 2008 
  • NGH Member of the Year Award, 2007
  • NGH Adjunct Faculty Member, 2002 – 2008
  • President, NGH, Long Island Chapter, 2002 – to date
  • International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA) Certified Hypnotist
  • IMDHA Approved School Owner
  • North Shore University Hospital Center for Tobacco Control Certification, August 2006, LI, NY
  • Karuna Reiki Master, Int’l Center for Reiki Training 2006, NYC
  • NLP Master Practitioner, Instructor NFNLP, 2005, Long Island, NY
  • Certified HypnoBirthing Educator HypnoBirthing Institute, Mongan Method, 2004, Nashua, New Hampshire 
  • NGH Board Certification, 2003, London, England
  • NGH Certified Master Instructor, 2015 (Trains the Trainers)
  • NGH Certified Instructor, 2000, NY, NY
  • Reiki I, II and III/Master Degrees, 1999, Integrated Approaches to Healing 
  • Critical Thinking, AMA International, 1998
  • Innovator of the Year, 1997 – NGH, Long Island Chapter
  • Counseling Certification, 1997, St. Joseph’s College, Patchogue, NY 
  • Biofeedback/Biogram Technician, Applied BioSciences Commission, Yuba City, CA
  • Hypnosis for Tinnitus & Chronic Illness, 1996, NGH, Nashua, NH
  • American Seminar Leader Association (ASLA), Certified Seminar Leader, 1994 
  • Human Potential Development, Alternative Technologies, 1994, Long Island, NY
  • NGH Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Alternative Technologies, 1993, LI, NY