Self-Hypnosis: Learning To Use Your Mind

What does it mean when people say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis is a process or result of hypnosis which is self-induced, and normally makes use of self-suggestion or autosuggestion. So why does anyone learn to be a hypnotist? … Continued

Tapping the Potential of All Students

posted in: Hypnosis, Teaching Hypnosis | 0

My teaching experience began before I founded the NY Hypnosis Training Center.  For ten years, I was a board-certified instructor for the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).  Over the course of those years I taught hundreds and hundreds of students … Continued

Hypnosis for Children: Parents Seeking Effective Help with Issues

posted in: Children, Hypnosis | 0

With every passing year, I see increasing numbers of parents seeking help for the children through the use of hypnosis. Being a mom and a grandma, I find it particularly gratifying to be able to help a child as well as their parents … Continued